Friday 27 November 2020

Bike Skills!

Bike Skills!

Namaste bloggers, today I'm going to talk about the bike skill lessons we had! We had bike lessons for 2 weeks and 4 people came from Big Foot. Big Foot is a company that goes around and teaches schools about biking. We had Holly and Shelly come for the first week then Josh and Ella in the second. The first week we learn't how to check our helmets and bikes with Holly and Shelly. Then we learn't about gears and how you can switch then to make peddlading harder or easier. The second week we played loads of fun games with Josh and ella but my favourite game was The Box. Holly and shelly explained to us that this is only grade 1 and when we get to intermidiate we learn grade 2. I can't wait to get to intermidiate!

Blog you later

Friday 20 November 2020



Guess what we skipped maths to do... SKATEBOARDING! We are having 2 sessions today. The 1st session  in the morning and the 2nd  in the afternoon. Aren't we lucky? Our 2 instructors Ben and Lawrence, taught us lots of different tricks. They taught us how to get on and ride on it then split us into different groups. My group was with Ben and we learned how to do lunges, crabwalk and lots of other tricks. Then he taught us how to turn on a skateboard. We did some balancing tricks and one of them was to touch the nose (front of board) with 1 hand, it was tricky but I got it. We also had freetime too, we skated around and used the ramps we had. 

When we came back we had a discussion about 3 different areas to do with skateboarding. The first one was: what was great about the lesson? What was challenging, next was: what have we learn't, and the last one was: what have we gained from learning to skateboard. We had different ideas for each section and we also had to learn about the growth and fixed mindset for skateboarding. The gorwth mindset is when you say something in your mind like you can do it, you will get this trick right, and something like that. The fixed mindset is when you  think bad stuff if your mind like ugh I can't do this, I will never get this right. Only a few people had a fixed mindset.

 I have my own skateboard at home but skateboarding is really fun and you should try it! I really enjoyed doing all the tricks but my favourite thing was learning how to turn! Bye bloggers and try skatebording!

Monday 16 November 2020

2020 Production!

 2020 Production!

Talofa Lava Fishies🐟!

Today I'm going to talk about our 2020 school production. The production is called Jasmine & Aladdin, its like the movie Aladdin expect it has twists in it. To get parts in the play you have to be year 5-6 but if there are no more roles you have to be in the year 5-6 dancers. Years 0-4 will only get to be dancers. During the show each class will come up on stage and dance to their song. We had parents buy tickets for the for the show. There were only 2 night shows and a day show. All of the night tickets were sold out but we had more day shows tickets left. I think this was the best production ever!

Bye Fishies🐟!